nightime experimental portfolio random

About Neville.

Photographically speaking, there are three Nevilles. There is this guy, NevilleJohn; the guy who occasionally just takes his camera out to see what he can come up with. Sometimes it involves other people and other times, he wanders the streets alone. Then there is NevilleRonan; this is the nature guy. He looks at the world through eyes that sees the planet in all its beauty and tries to capture it as best he can. Then there is JonNeville; the guy that takes naughty pictures for select clients in studio or on location. He's the black sheep of the family.

I have been around long enough to know that I don't really fit in a box. So, I don't even try any more. I roll with life's punches and travel its roads as the journey takes me. I am not here for the destination. It's the journey that facinates me.

Write Me


The kind of projects that attracts my attention are the things that take my camera places it hasn't gone before.

Nightime Shoots

There's a different set of parameters involved in working in the dark hours and I have gradually been making progress. Tampa is the siren luring my lens as night.

Experimental Stuff

I have one or two collaborators that have brought experimentation to the forefront of my interest in recent years. This is simply too much fun to walk away from.

Edgy Portfolio

I am tired of the normal model-portfolio stuff that I have shot and have seen everywhere. Any future portfolio shoots will involve something edgy or they won't happen.

Cute Topics

This past year or two has exposed my lens to prop-specific shoots like hoola hoops or fire spinning, so I will continue and see where it all takes me.


Walking upright has shaped our view on life for milennia. The first of this year's directions has me searching for unique or altered views of acceptable reality.


The second of this year's directions is one that takes me into abstract and often macro level shooting. If you can't tell what it is until I've told you, then I've succeeded.


Just some of my shots that give insight into things I like to shoot.

Consider this ...

Just a few random thoughts worth considering, perhaps.


I am not looking for any business from this site. But if you have a general question or thought, feel free to reach out with this form.

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